#21: The SDR Experiment, with Adam Schoenfeld

Cold calling is usually the job of the newest least experienced team members.  We talked with Adam Schoenfeld, CEO of Siftrock, about developing an SDR team and his experiment getting in the trenches as an SDR.

Adam is a B2B SaaS Marketer, PSBJ 40 under 40, and Breakfast enthusiast.  He has developed and run several successful SaaS companies in the last decade, including Cheddr Media, Simply Measured, and now Siftrock.  He on the board of Bizible and is an above average golfer.

As the CEO of his previous company, Simply Measured, Adam helped grow the company from 0 to 1000 customers, establish Simply Measured as a market leader, and scaled the organization from 3 founders to 140 employees.

Subscribe on iTunes: www.goo.gl/nfMMtW 
YouTube: https://youtu.be/emg11Y9kbXk

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Contact Adam Schoenfeld
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/adamschoenfeld
Twitter: @schoeny
Website: www.siftrock.com
Email: adam@siftrock.com

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