Brian Mac Mahon has started an X-Man like school for startups called Expert DOJO. He’s an Irishman in Silicon Beach and on this episode of The If You Market Podcast Brian shares his thoughts on startups, venture capitalism, and why Unicorns are unhealthy. Yep, tell you kids Brian hates unicorns. 🙂
Brian Mac Mahon is the owner of Expert DOJO, the largest peer to peer Startup peak performance academy in the world. He’s worked with over 500 early stage startups providing investment, foundation, showcasing, influence, and community.
Contact Brian Mac Mahon:
- Company page: www.expertdojo.com
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianmacmahon2/
- The Kidnapping of the American Dream | Brian Mac Mahon | TEDxUCIrvine
- expertdojo.com/podcasts
- Art of Startup War podcast on iTunes
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