#56: Common ABM Mistakes, with Kate Athmer

If You Market podcast guest Kate Athmer discusses ABM Mistakes.  ABM has been the hot marketing practice for a while now, but many of us are still making some simple mistakes in how we execute it.  

Kate is the Sr. Director of Growth Marketing and Sales Development at Bombora, the leading provider of B2B intent data for sales and marketing teams. Outside her career, she’s also an Amazon best-selling author, speaker, gin enthusiast, and national champion coxswain.


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Contact Kate Athmer:
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kateathmer/ 
ABM mistakes article by Kate on LinkedIn 

Visit Bombora.com to learn how elite B2B marketing and sales teams leverage intent data to know which businesses are researching their products and services

Get Kate’s book, Millennial Reboot, on Amazon.com. Millennial Reboot is written by millennials, for millennials and those who work with them closely. It offers practical advice for navigating generational workplace challenges and other life challenges.

Bombora shows marketers which companies are interested in their products and services, right now. This helps those marketers to be more relevant and consistent across all sales and marketing tactics.
Bombora does this by collecting and analyzing online content consumption through a data co-operative of business websites.
Oracle, Salesforce and Marketo are a few of the businesses that use this data for better sales and marketing.

3 ABM Tiers:

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