163#: Email Marketing Basics pt2 and 3, With Kelsey Johnson

This week on the If You Market podcast we continue our conversation with Kelsey Johnson about Email Marketing.  We have a lot more email content talk, as well as targeting/niching, email fails, subject lines, the email preview, email dark mode, dynamic content, what the future holds for email, and more. 

Kelsey Johnson is the Product Marketing Manager at AWeber, one of the world’s leading email
automation platforms. She specializes in helping entrepreneurs and side hustlers make more
sales in less time through the power of automation, effective subject lines and email copy,
landing page design, and eCommerce tools. Kelsey wants to help everyone with a business
find simple, affordable, and effective ways to make more money.

Contact : Kelsey Johnson

  1. Kelsey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelseylinnea/
  2. AWeber
  3. Free Month Trial of Aweber 
  4. Twitter: @kelseycolorado
  5. PDF – 10 keys to email marketing
  6. PDF – Email Creative Types and Tips
  7. ReallyGoodEmails.com

If you have questions about the If You Market podcast or would like to suggest a guest, please email us at info@IfYouMarket.com.

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