You think you’re special? … Your not special, you’re a commodity. We all start out as commodities, you have to work hard to become special. Amir Bormand talks about how to make a commodity special. Amir is the Co-Founder of California based recruiting firm Elevano. While Elevano may have their own techniques and niche, the recruiting industry behaves like a commodity, and I bet your industry does to. Amir Teaches us, the proper marketing can create separation and success in a commodity industry.
Amir is unique to the recruiting industry because he’s a former engineer — and could still jot out a few lines of code! He’s seen the technical recruiting game from both sides, watching agency recruiters take shortcuts and use deceptive practices all for their own benefit, and now he is in the recruiting business himself working as a counter to these practices.
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Contact Amir Bormand:
Company Website: www.elevano.com
Twitter: @AmirBormand
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/amirbormand/