167#: Thought Leadership: Grow, Rent, or Buy, With Mark Raffan

Thought Leadership, is it proof of market dominance or what it takes to get there?

This week on the If You Market podcast we talk with Mark Raffan about developing thought leadership in your company, when its right to develop it yourself, when you should rent a thought leader, and when you should buy one.

Mark Raffan is the Founder & CEO of Content Callout, a B2B content-creation agency. He’s also an expert in influence, persuasion, and negotiation and has coached executives and teams in some of the largest companies in the world.

Contact : Mark Raffan

  1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/markraffan/
  2. www.contentcallout.com/
  3. The Content Callout podcast (about B2B content marketing)
  4. Negotiations Ninja Podcast http://www.negotiations.ninja/podcast

If you have questions about the If You Market podcast or would like to suggest a guest, please email us at info@IfYouMarket.com.

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